Pinched Nerve

If you have spinal issues such as pain or misalignment, it may be time for a consultation with a local chiropractor who has been handling these issues for years. In other words, you should have a consultation at We Care Chiropractic Center. Shortly after getting his Doctorate in chiropractic care, Dr. Phillip Nutter opened his practice in 1985 to help the community in their journey to wellness. If you live in Pittsburgh, PA, and think you have a pinched nerve, let Dr. Nutter help you.

What Is a Pinched Nerve?

Nerves are responsible for feeling. When there is an issue with one, you may experience pain, tingling, or numbness. The pain may feel like it is burning or sharp. Nerves become pinched when too much pressure is applied to them from surrounding tissues. Herniated spinal discs are a common reason for pinched nerves. However, muscles and tendons can also apply pressure in the area, especially when they are inflamed. Since pain can be referred along a nerve’s length, the symptoms can show up in various parts of the body, from feet to arms to legs to the lower back.

How Dr. Nutter Can Help

If you are showing signs of a pinched nerve, Dr. Nutter in Pittsburgh, PA, has a few techniques that can help you. A series of spinal adjustments can be the first step in relieving the issue. When you get an adjustment, Dr. Nutter will adjust your body as you lay on a table. He will apply pressure manually or with a hand-held device to the spine, focusing on areas with misaligned vertebrae or herniated discs. A series of these sessions over a few weeks gradually moves the spine back into place, relieving pressure on the nerve.

Through spinal decompression, your chiropractor can gently stretch the spine. During the process, you lie on a computer-controlled table while a harness goes around your waist. This machine uses traction to slowly stretch your body and create space between bones, allowing bulging discs to be pulled back into place.

When you have a consultation with Dr. Nutter at We Care Chiropractic Center in Pittsburgh, PA, you are taking the first step in relieving chronic pain. Having a pinched nerve can be painful, but you have professional help available when you visit our center. Call us at 412-795-2900 to set up a consultation.

Our Location

7575 Saltsburg Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235

Office Hours

Please call for availability outside of the regular hours.

We Care Chiropractic Center


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm




8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm



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